Overcome Obstacles and Set Yourself up for Growth With 'Controlled Failure'
Overcome Obstacles and Set Yourself up for Growth With 'Controlled Failure'

If you want to be an entrepreneur, you’d better be prepared to rise back up after a breakdown. In fact, you may want to seek out "controlled failure" to prepare for live action experiences. Josh Seibert, sales coach for Sandler Training, explains that growth is spurred on by failure, not success. Hear tips on how to embrace obstacles to expand your empire. Dan Fleyshman, author of How to Set-Up Your Business for Under $1000, shares his appreciation for perse investments and charitable outreach because of past setbacks. We learn how the wealthy businessman discovered true prosperity by starting the Model Citizen Fund, an organization outfitting homeless and disaster victims with survival backpacks. Listen to how these two entrepreneurs have withstood adversity to make their mark on the world.
[00:00:00] Josh Seibert on Winning from Failing
Do you fear defeat? Don’t let uncertainty keep you from chasing your passion. Josh Seibert, sales coach at Sandler Training, explains if you’re looking to achieve exponential growth, it may be time to get comfortable with unsuccessful outcomes. Seibert’s bookWinning from Failingis full of helpful tips on leaning into the skid. Learn how to leverage your failures now.
[00:05:56] Value of Caused and Controlled Failure
Real life isn’t always as straightforward as school has taught us. Humans learn more quickly from failure than they do from success;leveraging this concept is the key. Seiberttells us about his exposure to "controlled failure"exercises during his rigorous training to become part of the U.S. Navy submarine program. If you’re ready to speed up and accentuate the learning process, listen now.
[00:11:30] Shifting Your paradigm on Failure
It’s time to redefine "failure" and reach your full potential. Seibert wants to change the way we react when things go wrong. Seibert believes that we should embrace failure. In fact, we should cause it to gain the confidence to surmount obstacles in the field. Hear three tips to shift the paradigm and become more courageous in the face of adversity.
[00:18:20] Dan Fleyshman Is an Angel Investor
Success stories don’t always look so pretty in the beginning. Many entrepreneurs claw their way from the bottom with sheer grit and determination. It’s not about luck; it’s about fortitude and hard work. Millennial rainmaker and author of How to Set-Up Your Business for Under $1000, Dan Fleyshman, gives us an inside look on how he went from working three jobs to make ends meet to becoming an angel investor for over 26 companies and charities by the age of 35. Hear this rags to riches story built on pure chutzpah.
[00:27:07] The Model Citizen Fund Saves Lives
Making money feels good.Fair enough, but what do you do once you’ve achieved the zenith of affluence? Give back! Fleyshman created the Model Citizen Fund, a charity which provides backpacks filled with 150 lifesaving and emergency supplies to disaster victims and the homeless. We learn how Fleyshmanis helping those in need to achieve a deeper success than he ever thought possible.
[00:33:20] Work because You Love to Work
企业家是从另一块布上剪下来的。 An all-or-nothing approach and galvanized backbone is often what drives them to victory. At one point, Fleyshmanlost his eight-p business and realized that monetary success can be fleeting. Fleyshmanteaches you how to persify investments to safeguard your entrepreneurial destiny.
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